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Discovering Hidden Gems: The Magic of Small Schools and Districts

by Dr. Lance Gibbon

May 16, 2024

In the evolving landscape of public education, I’ve seen the big name districts and flashy campuses capture the spotlight, but there exists a quieter, more intimate world often out of view. Nestled within the fabric of more remote communities, small schools and districts offer a unique charm and personalized experience that can't be found in big institutions. As I wrap up my first year as superintendent in a small school district, I’ve discovered hidden gems that make these educational refuges incredibly special.

Building Bonds Beyond the Classroom

Step into a small school, and you're stepping into a close-knit world where relationships reign supreme. I’ve seen that students aren't just classmates – they're family. That goes for staff as well. Just like families, they don’t all get along, but the bonds are strong. Staff wear multiple hats – educators, coaches, advisors, mentors, family members and friends – fostering an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie that extends far beyond the classroom walls. It's like being part of an exclusive club where everyone knows your name, and support comes readily through an encouraging word, check-in, high-five, or hug.

Tailoring Education to Fit Like a Glove

One size fits all? Not in small schools! With class sizes that allow for personalized attention, each student is known as an individual and teachers have the freedom to tailor their lessons to suit each student's unique learning style and pace. Whether you're a budding artist or a future scientist, there's room for everyone to shine. Students that would get lost in the shuffle or fade into the background elsewhere are known and find their place. At its best, it’s like having a custom-made education that fits you like a glove, empowering you to explore your passions and reach for the stars.

Cultivating Creativity and Innovation

In the laboratory of small schools, innovation is the name of the game – and oftentimes a necessity. I’ve found that freed from the constraints of big systems with layers of red tape, educators must think outside the box and get creative with their teaching. They may lack the resources of larger systems, but hands-on experiments to interactive projects can thrive, rooted in the local environment and community. Every day can be an adventure in learning. It's like being part of a living laboratory where curiosity is king, and imagination knows no bounds.

Preserving Tradition in a Modern World

In a world that's constantly changing, it’s comforting that small schools serve as anchors, preserving cherished traditions, history and values that stand the test of time. Roots run deep. Whether it's through quirky rituals, annual celebrations, or simply fostering a sense of community, they keep the spirit of yesteryears alive in a modern world. Sometimes it feels like stepping back in time to a simpler era where respect, kindness, and integrity reign supreme.

Empowering Students to Shape Their Future

At the heart of every small school is a commitment to empowering students to take control of their own destiny. Staff and school leaders are accessible, familiar faces to the students. As superintendent, my office is in the school and I get to connect with students daily. In this setting, students are surrounded by adults who listen and a community that cares. This allows students to be more than passive participants. They’re agents of change; active in their community and stewards of their natural environment. They’re part of a movement where their voice matters and they can see their actions shaping their future in real time.

Embracing the Magic of Small

As families, educators, and leaders navigate the vast landscape of public education, the range of options and flashy programs in larger school systems have their appeal. At one time, honestly, I overlooked and underestimated the hidden gems waiting to be discovered in a small school and district, not to mention the quality of life of living in a smaller community. They may be little in size, but small schools are mighty in spirit, offering a personalized experience and a sense of belonging that's hard to find elsewhere. Based on my experience, there’s good reason to explore the underdogs, the unsung heroes, and the little school districts that could. I’ll never again underestimate the power of small!